Theformation of the Rebel Alliance in the Star Wars universe's extended lore
In an exciting leap forward for Star Wars fans, the second season of Andor sets its sights on a deep dive into the formative years of the Rebellion, providing a year-by-year exploration of events leading up to the Alliance to Restore the Republic's inception and beyond. While the new series offers tantalizing glimpses of the Rebellion's origins, it also introduces captivating deviations from earlier Expanded Universe narratives.
Whispers of Resistance:
The Galactic Empire's swift, ruthless crackdown on discontent didn't initially stifle resistance altogether—the seeds of rebellion were sown almost from the start of the Empire's reign. Palpatine, as Supreme Chancellor, targeted opponents, eliminating key players through stealthy assassinations or political exile, stifling Senate debate to maintain control. These early eradications stalled widespread Senate resistance, as the Imperial forces focused on draconian techniques to keep potential dissidents at bay.
Despite this, brutal incidents such as the Ghorman Massacre, where protestors were ruthlessly crushed, fanned anti-Imperial sentiment. Additionally, pockets of resistance emerged across the galaxy—from remnants of the Separatist movement seeking to reignite the war, to local uprisings on planets like Kashyyyk, Naboo, and Kamino. Although these fledgling rebellions would rise and fall throughout the Empire's early years, significant cooperation between them would take time to coalesce beyond conversations.
The Spark that Ignites the Fire:
The early threads of a formal Rebel Alliance converged in the galaxy's core, involving Alderaan, Chandrila, and Corellia. Senators Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Garm Bel Iblis, despite earlierdl discussions on Coruscant dubbed the Cantham House talks, would not come together again for another 20 years. invited by an unwitting informant, they were united to initiate a broader resistance to the Empire in 2BBY.
Unbeknownst to them, they were orchestrating this alliance at the behest of Galen Marek, a Sith apprentice unknowingly trained by Darth Vader. Believing he was helping his master overthrow the Emperor, Marek brokered the Corellian Treaty, a pact between Alderaan, Chandrila, and Corellia's resistance forces, establishiing a central commander-in-chief and advisory council.
Vader and Palpatine soon exposed Marek's unwitting betrayal, captured Organa, Mothma, and their allies at the signing of the treaty, and took them aboard the Death Star for execution. However, Marek, seeking redemption, saved them from certain doom in a final battle against Vader and the Emperor. The surviving leaders fled to Kashyyyk, adopting the Marek family crest as their new organization's symbol, and vowing to continue the rebellion in Marek's name.
The Public Declaration of War:
While the Corellian Treaty marked the beginning of the formal Rebel Alliance, a public call to arms came later. Formalized by Mon Mothma, ratified by Bel Iblis and Organa, and addressed to Palpatine, the Declaration of Rebellion presented a catalog of grievances against the Empire, culminating in a vow to overthrow the Imperial Regime. Its release in 2BBY ignited the Galactic Civil War, sparking support from planets across the galaxy and escalating the conflict into an epic battle that would redefine the galaxy for decades to come.
Rebellion:eu vs Canon:
There are striking parallels between the Expanded Universe's Rebellion origins and contemporary continuity, including the extended timeline between smaller-scale resistance networks and formal rebellion, as well as the significance of events like the Ghorman Massacre and main characters like Organa and Mothma. However, what initiated the Galactic Civil War itself—the Battle of Scarif depicted in Rogue One, and mentioned in A New Hope's opening crawl—occurs at a different point in the current timeline.
Notable differences include the absence of a figure like Starkiller, who played a significant role in the EU's Rebellion's early days. The declaration of rebellion occurred during Rebels' third season in the new continuity. As Andor delves deeper into the era between these moments, we eagerly anticipate uncovering the fascinating secrets that lie hiding within these shadows.
- The seeds of rebellion against the Galactic Empire were sown from the Empire's inception itself, with brutal incidents like the Ghorman Massacre fueling anti-Imperial sentiment.
- The formal Rebel Alliance started to take shape in the galaxy's core, involving Alderaan, Chandrila, and Corellia, with Senators Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Garm Bel Iblis coming together 20 years later to initiate a broader resistance in 2BBY.
- The Public Declaration of Rebellion, a catalog of grievances against the Empire culminating in a vow to overthrow the Imperial Regime, was made by Mon Mothma, ratified by Bel Iblis and Organa, and addressed to Palpatine, igniting the Galactic Civil War.
- Despite the striking parallels between the Expanded Universe's Rebellion origins and contemporary continuity, there are notable differences, such as the absence of a figure like Starkiller in the new timeline, and the fact that Rogue One's Battle of Scarif, mentioned in A New Hope's opening crawl, occurs at a different point in the current timeline.